Sunday, January 24, 2010

Helen's visit part 1

This is Helen.

She is pretty much amazing.

She is one of my oldest and best friends and we went to High School in California together and it's always nice to pick up right were we left off. I absolutely love the time that we spend together and look forward to our gallivanting for months on end!

Her first night here I wanted to take her to the promenade about two blocks from my hotel/apartment/dorm room. I love this place and this person and life and the universe were together and two worlds collided. Anyway, I just adore the Brooklyn Bridge and how it looks so different at all times of the day and the incredible Empire State Building ( I love it so much I mistakenly told my mom, while in Paris, that I was looking at the awe-inspiring Empire State Building. Name dropping the eiffel tower really says something!) Not to mention Helen looking all kinds of sexy in the foreground just makes me love this picture all-the-more.

What can I possibly say about this photo that would be able to do it justice? This connects my two favorite places ever and that connection is a metaphor for the complex feelings I possess for New York City.

Again, just beautiful all around! We had such a blast at the promenade and headed back to my place where I had to show Helen the view from my room... and so we could watch Golden Girls!

To the left, to the left! Everything you own in a box... you get it.

To the right, to the right...

Then we had a silly photo shoot in my room and this is basically my favorite snapshot of all time. I love what magic can happen with a pretty lady, two mirrors, and a great camera. That sounds oddly sexual. Hmmmm, ignore that and just enjoy a cool picture.

This concludes about 12 hours of a 5 day trip... more to come!


  1. So when are you going to post something fabulous about me!? I am something amazing...dont you know?

  2. You ARE something quite amazing and as soon as I have at least a quasi photoshoot with you... you are SO on the site!
