Saturday, October 16, 2010

Splenda Follies

My name is Christian and I have an addiction.
I am addicted to Splenda.
I first realized that I had an addiction when I went into a local Starbucks (yes, local Starbucks in Manhattan means looking around in a one-block radius and choosing the closest one) and looked around with a maniacal grin running across my face as I did a mini-lookout while choosing what I wanted to get. More on that in a moment...

I came home from an afternoon shopping and plopped my bags down and when I came back later and dumped them on the ground this happened.
My embarrassing bounty spewed across the floor rearing its ugly face. Yes the above picture really happened. Why do I have random Splenda in my bag you ask? Good Question.

Every time that I visit a coffee shop I normally just get a regular coffee (but this season I'm obsessed with adding pumpkin spice flavors with a little cinnamon, but I digress) and add one or two fake sugars... but sometimes I see people that put roughly 17lbs of the stuff in their coffees. After scratching my brain as to how you could drink something so sweet I think... if they get all those sugars why don't I? Just because I don't use them all at the same time doesn't mean I don't deserve as many as those people... right? I must admit that this thought process has been instilled in my brain from one family member in particular. I wont name names, but we all know who she is, think of her as my Obi Wan Kenobi of devious ways.

After careful planning I shove the ten I forgot to put in my coffee in whatever bag I'm carrying just in case I need one, or two, or ten for the road. Yes, this has made for some uncomfortable conversations but in the long run we're all dead. And I am in college and just don't have the dough to spend on sugar for my morning coffee and without which I would be most unpleasant. So, when it comes down to it, every Splenda I take is an act of public service. Ah, I can sleep tonight. On a lighter note,

Are you kidding? Is this a joke? I'm sorry but if you are monitoring the nutritional facts on the packet of Splenda you have a psychological issue that needs to be addressed. Please seek medical attention if you have been dissuaded from partaking in the evil ways of sugar-wannabes due to their nutrition facts. Another day in the life.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

City views

In love with my camera that is on my phone... it actually takes some fairly decent pictures!
Of course I will be sharing those very pictures right here!

Central Park's Great Lawn... such a gorgeous day!

Walking down the famous path in Central Park...

Columbus Circle

Washington Sq...

... and Washington Sq Park. Very lovely!

Can't wait to share more!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A series of short ones

Life as been a bit insane lately... actually that is putting it quite mildly. I've been waiting on pins and needles for some information but I'm thinking it's time a take matters into my own hands. I had an AMAZING time this summer visiting family and going on my world tour. (Yeah, I call it my world tour but it was more like a voyage of the Grisswalds from northern to southern California and a brief stint in Oklahoma City). None-the-less I am back in full school mode and pondering how I'm going to pay rent... oh the trails and tribulations of being... how old am I again?

But SOMEONE, who shall remain nameless, seems to think I have time to blog about such adventures... so I propose this, a series of short stories to tell the too-long-to-tell-tale of my summer vacation.
First, about how I set my Aunt's hair on fire.
It was an accident, you see. I was a little... out of sorts. I thought it would be a good idea to start a fire that would make even Smokey blush. My Aunt was all too encouraging, "Hey, grab that wooden bench, oh don't forget that wooden angel, oh and that wood there too!" All of this to go in a fire pit the size of a beach ball.... next thing you know I'm relaxing and put my feet on the fire pit and WOOSH! Like a thousand hailstones of fire emulating a Roman conquering on an enemy city in the still of the night, these little embers shower down all over my dear, sweet, frightened, sober Aunt.
This is the picture of the aftermath...
Actually I just left the lens open too long and there was light behind her... BUT that story did happen... well, that is actually about three stories in one.
Needless to say we are all doing just fine now that the PTSD has been put behind us.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Interviews/ Schmenterschmoos

Tomorrow I have two interviews....
I am feeling quite the opposite...
However I must abide by the wisdom of the tea!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tea Wisdom Wednesday

Originally uploaded by cspearinca
Happiness comes from within.
Be happy as long as breath is within you
for that is all the time you have.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Can't get enough!

I like it!

What I really mean is... I LOVE IT!

I'm debating now whether or not I could pull off Enrique's hair style... thoughts?

... I'm also debating whether I can have a little Enrique for myself... thoughts?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


This is the last sixth months of some of my happiest moments, friends, family, and all around good memories. Let yourself smile... it feels so good. Enjoy the shenanigans!

Wantons... always... make me happy! Always!
Laguna Beach makes me happy. This view makes me happy.
Sissy. TJ. Hunny. Baby Sister. Taylor Jessie. TayTay... makes me very happy!
Auntie Diva Jill a.k.a. the straight woman version of me... makes me super duper happy!
My mommy makes me gleeful. Love her.
Jill breaking shit with me... very happy!
Jilly Sue at Starbucks = happy Christian.
Cowgirl Jill makes me happy.
When my sister busts her ass from falling off a tire-swing... elation!
When my little bro doesn't get the irony in my acting like a gangsta but loves me anyway... total happiness!
When Trav steals a kiss from Natalie, makes me swoon.
Proud mama makes me smile.
Proud papa makes me cozy.
Antique flapper Christian makes me oh-so-so-happy!
These hellions make me happy (sometimes)
When Taylor says "just a little more butttttaaaaaaa" impossible not to smile.
This cheeseball can be pretty funny sometimes.
A big smile from Natalie makes me joyful!
Speechless. LOVE HER!
Sarah... my oldest friend. I love her.
A mother's love is pure.
Love her too!
Jokes with uncle Mark make me happy in such a unique way... often I am riveted that his thought process is so similar to that of a 20-year-old college student.
Bob makes me happy in ways no one else can :)
When LoRida laughs... I laugh.
Papi makes me feel so comfortable and he's my buddy. I love him.
I have not seen enough of this woman lately... but that will soon change. She makes me beyond happy. No one can tug my heart like she can.
Susie-homebaker... I mean... JustJill, incredible.
You don't know why we were laughing our tits off... and that makes this even more awesome!
Lady Helen makes me feel... complete.
See above
Talking into retro phones makes me happy!
She hasn't ever taken a bad photo... that makes me jealous... and.... that's it.
I love this boy. He's a great guy and a good friend. I'll keep him around for awhile I suppose.
That smile... infectious!
Being sexy makes me happy!
Ro's smile... makes my babies... I mean, makes me smile!
When my great friend's head is unceremoniously chopped off... just gotta laugh it off.
Happy mother with glass of wine... this is how I see myself in case you were wondering.
Chocolate still makes me happy (and clearly Ryan too!).
Ashley's calm spirit and the way her personality wraps around me and hugs me from just the way she looks at me makes me so happy. I feel nothing but love around her.
A.Flo makes me smile because she never stops laughing! (and snorting... no, not drugs)
Ryan makes me happy for hundreds of reason... I'll choose his care-free attitude for this.
Rochelle happy makes me happy x230984085. When she is in a good mood, mine is amplified by infinity.
Skateboarding with Rochelle replays in my head...
Jessie... how can I even describe how she makes me feel... joyous, playful, and young.
Samantha makes me so so happy by just being herself and not letting anyone change that.
This is what pure elation looks like... what I look like when I think of you.
Lauren making an entrance makes me happy.
Me making Ryan smile, makes me mega happy! ... and I feel so accomplished.
Putting random flowers in our hair... couldn't make a better day.
Those days make me happy.
Being yourself, original, black and white, full of passion... she makes me... think.
She makes me coo... even snarling at me... I love her.
Reflective shades make me vain ...and very happy! Look, I'm included!
Debbie shows me how to be an adult. She's the reason I believe I can be friends with someone from my past, be mature and fun at the same time. She shows me what responsibility and dedication, passion, possession and love are. I love Debbie. She makes me happy.
Ryan eating ribs for breakfast makes me... sick. But happy because he's happy.
Being drunk with Helen and Courtney (unfortunately not in my life the last sixths months so no photographs... but that will be changing very soon!)

I must say that all of my friends and family keep my heart beating. There has been an equal amount of darkness and disgust in the last sixth months. However, due to these moments... I'm still here. So I say, let's get on with the show!

I love you

Hope you're feeling... happy :)