Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tea Wisdom Wednesday

I've been so incredibly busy that I'm surprised I'm able to even look at a computer screen right now.
I do think that I need to remember to take those precious moments at the end of the day to look within.
The last couple of weeks my soul's pupils were fully dilated, letting in all external factors to examen and interpret.
My present holds the key to my future and often times distinguishing the two becomes difficult.
I find myself asking, "How did you get to where you are today?", "What does success mean to you"?, and "Do you feel there is room for growth?", to those working around me.
This reminds me of how analytical I normally am in any environment.
I often ask others "What does happiness mean to you?"
This is my favorite questions and I implore that you think of how you would answer that question.
One of my favorites comes from my friend's grandfather.
Happiness is total satisfaction.
I could not agree more if the words had slide through my own lips and onto the ears of a wide-eyed twenty-year-old.

This Tea Wisdom Wednesday think of what happiness means to you, and I hope you find it at some point every day.

Happiness is served...
Drink up!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

50th post. Rochelle, naturally.

I am going to try and summarize awesomeness in it's purist form, Rochelle.
Holy balls,

Basket Balls.

We went to the seaport... (how many times do I visit the seaport in this blog?) and relaxed a bit...
Okay, if you know me at all you can interpret that. We relaxed a lot! So much so that the thought of even dribbling a basket ball seemed imaginary.
Well it just so happens that I am best friends with a Harlem Globe Trotter.
Ladies and Gentleman...
Rochelle the international basketball superstar decided (with very little persuasion from Debbie and myself) that she would like to partake in this intense obstacle course.

First step... Lay-up.

Easy as 1.
Seriously we are totally buzzed and Rochelle out of nowhere just sinks the first lay-up.
This hoop is way the hell up there. How she jumped so high I do not know.
My only guess ...
Human Growth Hormone.
Next step, dribbling in and out of little fake men and doing a "pass bouncy shot thingy" into a hoop (those are the technical terms, of course).
Then a free throw.

Easy as 1.
Then she goes to do another pass thingy where she just throws the ball with a fury of 1,000 angry Madeas into a horizontal hoop (very technical) and dribbles through more of these fake men and does another lay-up!
Not only did she surprise everyone, she kicked 90% of the competitors' asses!
I was so proud.
And a little flush in the cheeks.

Rochelle, how in tarnation ...after tequila slushies with a dash of lime did you do this?
"Ain't no thing..."

God, she is so smooth.
My loins were a'blaze when my 'have my children now, please!' hormones released upon this picture. Wait, that didn't sound right.
Basically everyone there came up to her after to tell her how amazing she is... and to have her sign their Nike High Tops and Air Jordans.
I would also like you to notice that she did this in boots and a mini-skirt!!!
Like a true fashion icon; never lets style impede on being a badass.
and that is how it's done.

I just melted.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Tea Wisdom Wednesday

Eat a cupcake and love yourself!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

L Trap does the city

This weekend I had the great pleasure of getting to see my friend Lauren. It is so incredible how there is this force that pushes the right people in your life (and also filters the wrong ones out). Well I am so incredibly thankful for that invisible hand!
Lauren contains a light that unveils itself anytime I am around her. She just brightens my day and makes me feel so jovial. It's as though her aura in itself is a time machine to a better place and time.
Come on! Just look at that face... the tension in my face is fleeting at this very moments just imagining how hard we would be laughing if we were together right now.
I am so blessed to have her in my life and we enjoyed each other's company to the fullest on Saturday.
She is very lucky that I started working this summer at a job that has me up early otherwise I may not have seen her until much later in the day!
I managed to wake up at a reasonable time and fly to 34th just in time to meet her for coffee and do a little shopping.
This didn't look as good on me so I'll just show you the picture of her... I thought it looked stunning but I think we agreed she needs something a little more accommodative... up top...
The search is on, actively, that we find our Vegas outfits! I'm thinking just a speedo for me would suffice... or what Lauren helped me pick out =P
I'll give you a hint :
Kid in a candy store!

Off to lunch.
My idea... sushi and cocktails!
How could one go wrong when two of my favorite things are on the menu?
I will spare you those photos (until a later date I'm sure)
Let's just say... Lychee.

With that being said we strutted our sexy selves to a random bar in Union Sq. to watch the USA v. UK match.
Lauren made friends and I had a quick and lovely time before we whisked away to meet our friend Rob.

... at this point I'm feeling all is right in the world. Two of the most positive people I know in my life and a MadDog specialty.
And I guess I wanted Lauren to look at my lip?
I do have one question though...
where did the fat bruise on my hip come from?
Back to the cool kids.

They even matched. I can't summarize the awesomeness that is this duo. They have both touched my life in such amazing ways. I will try not to get sappy but they show me what it means to be alive and not just exist. I love you guys!

Hagen Daaz
Dear Lauren,
I'm sorry for trying to make you make bad decisions... forgive me.
Now laugh.
Okay all good.
"Can I get one more scoop... okay, one more. Okay, one more"
Thank you for that!
After all of the gallivanting we had earlier something in me told me I should partake in a little summer fun at the pier. Also known as the devil's juice... It taste oh- oh, so good....
At least one of us looked cool. I must say there was this adorable little kid with a bubble blowing machine and I might have yelled at him after Lauren tried to talk with him "Stranger Danger!" I guess I wanted him to be as guarded as the adults in the world however, Lauren is far too friendly and he saw the real threat in her. I guess you had to be there.
Lauren: "hey, are you a mets fan?"
*I turn briskly as he is about to retort to a complete stranger so as to save the day*
Me: (to bubble boy) "STRANGER DANGER!"

Then I went back to the devil's juice and we later meandered to a pretty view and Lauren showed me how to model... whilst burning your shoulder I might add.
Lovely over the shoulder look Lauren.

Oh yes! Give me perplexed and excitement and elation. Perfect... she takes direction so well!

So, did you have as good a time as I did?
I'll take that as a D-U-H!

Until next time...
Thank you,
I miss you already,
New York misses you!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tea Wisdom Wednesday (again)

So I'm a little sad that my last post was a tea wisdom wednesday.... but I'm over it.
I started my new job... that I love! ...and needless to say, however I will say it, I've been quite busy.
My boss is so hysterical it takes a lot of energy for me to not laugh the entire time I'm with him... and his boss is funny, and his boss is funny... you get the point. Not to mention my co-workers are, for the most part, very cordial.
It doesn't take much to get me motivated early in the morning because I know that work will be fun (don't quote me on this... it's only day 5).
Starting this new chapter of my life it's been hard to know how to get my footing.
Then I get this gem of advice. Listening is the key to learning. Instead of me masking my fears and ignorance with stubbornness and acting like I know what I'm doing, I simply listen and take note.
The same is true for other situations. I find that I relate to others in telling my own stories. I notice that when someone is trying to tell me their story I cut in and start in with my own similar experience. Luckily I have realized that I do this and can prevent it.
Once you start to truly listen, you hear much more than what is being said.
Everyone speaks in their own way. Listen to tone and read between the lines.
For your greatest tool is to listen.

Forever and always,

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tea Wisdom Wednesday

I begin the journey of wakening up at the crusty eyed, dark-yet hopeful time of six-o'god why me in the morning. So far it does not seem to bother me that much however I blame the endless possibilities that lay before me. Similarly to how the morning sucks one iota less when you have something fun and exciting to look forward to. I found myself having my tea one day with a much needed little piece of advice. I always do try to stay positive in my own life. Even when the chips are down I try not to crumble and let my emotions take the best of me. (please remove last year of life where the antithesis is true). Well I read something that put a little extra pip in my step, or crawl, rather, at this point. Peel your eyes open, gasp for moisture-less air, and creek together with me every morning and remember to...
That way when anyone tries to put you down because you are one supernova of awesomeness you know for a fact it is because they are threatened by your ever-growing supply of positive energy... and that they're jealous. I am about to go to orientation with many intelligent people and jump into, yet another, crazy experience. Though I should be worried about so many things, at this point, I know I simply need to be great.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Originally uploaded by cspearinca
Fire Island is like a world I've never know,
Or a world I've known my whole life
And just discovered.
I love the beach,
I love the sun and sand,
mostly I love my friends

I hate soggy sandwiches.