Today was a beautiful day and just cannot keep it to myself....
So bask in the glory know as my amazing friends and neighborhood.
This is a shot walking to meet up with Ms. Lo Rida herself,
Walking and having the temperature above 40 and
bright and sunny
really does make me smile.
Doesn't it seem like the trees are parting for me to cross?
I'm not sure why but I felt just that special... or that fat.
This amazingly beautiful spire of a cathedral-like
building... is a bankruptcy court.
Who would have thought?
I mean it looks so...
so regal.....
Maybe it is to make everyone that enters realize how poor they are?
It was not my idea, nor do I endorse it, I'm just sayin'
This is my good friend Lo Rida.
I created this amazing name when we were freshman living on the same floor.
We drank...
at very peculiar hours....
out of Hello, Kitty coffee cups.
Despite all of that, her and I have remained close and I just had to snap a pic looking so New York.
Wind blowing in the hair, tight black jacket, black leggings, a stride that can keep up with a quick-paced gentleman that is 6'2"... (that may be me), she just looked so picturesque.
Then we decided to get a bite to eat!
Of course, after our reunion we had to have something to do... when in doubt...
Take my word for it.
Sorry, back to the story. So cutie patootie Lo and I went to this diner that I love around the corner from my new place.
Why, Oh Why, are there so many pages of diner menus?
Like, for instance, when I went out with one of my best friends, Matt, was he able to order a lamb (omg I love lamb!) gyro and a slice of pie?
What is this world coming to?
I will tell you something that is right in this god-forsaken world.
The short stack.
The short stack!
Did you know the same guy that invented crack/cocaine and heroine and cigarettes also invented the short stack?
Of course, It is doubly tempting when butter and syrup join the party.
Then it is all out mayhem.
I'm so LoRida, I'm sorry for eating like I had not eaten in days... I lost my manners.
But, it was the short stack! (and diner coffee, might I add, quite delicious!)
Then we went on a walk to space between the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.
Come on! How serene is this?
I have been on this bridge in so many ways, so many different days, and never has it appealed to me as it did today.
Just so....
And this is the Manhattan Bridge.
Also, very....
This is a different view of the Brooklyn Bridge.
One that I have not often had.
...and you know what?
I kinda like it!
Then I saw this street walking back to LoRida's apartment (before partaking in something that is highly under-rated!) and I want to have 17 kids and live here.
With 3 dogs.
... and a lawyer/doctor/philanthropic husband
That pays all the bills.
...and my kids will sing.
In harmony!
Okay, enough of that.
Back to LB
What a fun, intriguing, intelligent, bright, and positive person to spend my afternoon with!
Thanks girl!
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