Say hello to Natalie and just look at that smile! What an uplifting person!

This is my ravishing friend Natalie. She is pretty much a bawler (I'm pretty sure that's a comparable word to un-be-lie-ve-a-fre-akin' COOL)
Natalie invited me over to her amazing studio in Irvine,Ca.
Now, this girl can decorate!

This is Natalie's amazing
z e b r a
She also has this great bright red chair that offsets the hardwood floors and the zebra... it's magic! (take my word for it).
Better still we had this genius idea to play wii fit while enjoying our evening.
If you must try something before you die, try to virtually hoola hoop better than me.... try! (My score better still be #1!)
If there could be an award for hostess of the year/lifetime...

This girl would win....
And that bright smile follows your wherever you go!
"can I get you _____",
"how about some _______",
"There's some ______ in the fridge, help yourself!"
Common phrases at Natalie's. Thank you so very much!
Natalie has a boyfriend that I too happen to be friends with!
and that's this guy -->
"What's that he's doing?" You ask. Well, fellow reader, that would be 'Wii Dance' and I believe he is dancing to "get down tonight".
I know a picture is worth a thousand words but in this particular instance, I wish I had a thousand pictures!
Between playing a mii traveling down a rock ravine in a bubble which pops at the littlest movement, or hula hooping, or dancin' our tushies off, I'd say the night was a success!
Before you go, I'll leave you with these beautiful photos. Have you ever seen the commercial of a certain blanket that allows you to remain "hands free" (by the which, NOW I wish I had one) we would like to model those stylish pieces of fashion...

Monk -->
And I go to a Monastery?
Maybe because she goes to an
awesome Fashion School?
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