Maybe because I'm in one of those moods...
You know,I'm bored-hungry-everything-taste-oh-so-good, moods?
Therefore, I went looking through my array of photos dedicated to the decadent comestibles of late (including this holiday season... dangerous).

Lets start with something simple...
This may seem like an ordinary lemon perched atop a simple beverage... with a funny bokeh lady in the background, but no sir!
What makes this picture especially redeeming is the fact that it was taken in Laguna on a gorgeous (and typical) 72 degree sunny day with birds chirping and belly aching laughter. So this is why this is one of my favorite food photos.
Next is the In-N-Out double-double no onions (don't know why) add pickles (obviously)

There is something oh so obsessive about in-n-out...
Maybe the fact that the cheese is melted to the point of perfection?
Maybe that the lettuce is juicy and crisp?
Maybe that the burger is unrivaled with grilled flawlessness ?
Maybe that the bun is toasted ever-so delicately?
Maybe.... You get the point.
Anyway, clearly a favorite seeing as I have had fits of manic withdraw while in NYC.
Okay, I feel like no explanation is needed for this next one.
This was taken from the rib of some 60lbs worth of succulent meat that my grandfather slaved over.
My family luckily kept their cool at Christmas dinner as I whipped out my camera to snap this macro shot of this moment I wanted... no needed... to remember forever.
I really feel like one lucky devil looking back on this one!
Especially when I'm back to my college-top-ramen-MacDonalds-soup-rinse-and-repeat diet...
I went on a cooking-spree while I was home.
That is a euphemism for me morphing into a crazed lunatic of a chef.
I found an avocado, some salsa, some corn tortillas, fresh lettuce and refried beans and something magical happened.
*Admire the magic above*
It's rummy!
brown sugar, pecans, bunt cake, and....
Unfortunately there was also rum (hints my expression "it's rummy) and I had to wait a day or two to partake in this deliciousness due to a certain evening of holiday festivities gone awry.
What I love most about going home!
The holidays just wouldn't be right without this buttery and soft goodness smothered in flour gravy and hard boiled egg whites, powdery yolks peppered and salted to perfection.
I do realize that this doesn't actually contain food in the picture (unless of course you count the lemons... and cocktail sauce)
Grandpa Tom can cook some shrimp...
understatement of the year.
He boiled us some good ol' shrimp cajun style and plopped 'em on our newspaper clad table so we could dig in "family style".
Nothing brings a family together like boiled cajun shrimp and the funnies as a tablecloth.
Love my family!
And of course one of my favorite food snapshots is that of my little sissy cutting out sugar cookies...
Something that has become a tradition at our house.
I love the concentration and dedication written all over her face as she presses and crumbles the dough up and tries again and again...
Then presses her little noise up to the warm oven to watch them cook in about .25 seconds...
Then we all (im)patiently wait for them to cool so we can frost them.
I have some pictures of the finished project... but I don't want to make you jealous! ...or make myself any more hungry than I am at this very moment with no oven and no cookies.
such good rum cake!!!!!!!! i want more:)