Friday, January 29, 2010

Chaos and 5 guys

Holy Guacamole have I been busy. School started last week on the curtails of Helen's adventures with me in the city. That weekend was anything but restful... "and then their off!" My week is filled with 20 hours of this, 30 hours of that, and a lot of obligation in between. Not to mention the fact that I'm starting to go to the gym every night. (one of the perks of living in Brooklyn is the gym... talk about amazing... any day that is capped with a jacuzzi and sauna session is alright in my book). So, as amazing as having no time and no money is, the trivial stresses of life have kept me from posting my much anticipated follow-up to the Helen saga.

First of all, it was a beautiful, crisp, sunny/cloudy/ beautiful ambiance of a day! This is a view of downtown Manhattan (my old home) from the Brooklyn Promenade... We went on another fun little walk over there and met some nice man from Spain that exclaimed to Helen and me how infatuated with the city he was.

Helen modeling in front of the Brooklyn Bridge during my favorite type of weather... overcast and sunny. I have no idea what it is about this sub-par weather that gets me giddy and makes me want to take my camera out for hours on end (or until my fingers get frostbitten).

...and then we found this telephone both that looks like it fell out of the '70s and into my life. I love it (though it doesn't even have a dial tone). I'm not even sure that I could still operate one if I had to but they look freakin' cool!

And then we began a journal

The first steps to redemption...

...and the sunglasses come out...

Then I got the "seriously, Christian, Stop-taking-f'in-pictures-of-me-before-I-stab-you look"... So I stopped taking pictures (for 5.76 seconds).

I found this to be both ironic and inspirational. Love it.

The plot thickens. This is the moment where the day when from good to oh-my-lordy-give-me-my-elastic-pants great! Please contain yourself while viewing the following photos and please do not judge Helen nor I until you have tried "5 guys" burgers and fries! (cajun fries to be exact)

Holy freakin' balls! This is where you get any topping you want. I chose fresh, bright-green, hot
jalepanos, cooked onions, aged sharp cheddar and mustard. This was one of my best decisions of my life thus far.

And then came the fries. And then came the fries!

This bag was like Christmas morning looking in your stocking. In fact, next Christmas... Mom, could you fill my stocking with 5 guys cajun french fries? Or for Chanukah we could make cajun french fried latkes?

Okay, I need to preface the next picture with you may find this a little disturbing so I will try and describe it before you look. The bun was crisp and buttery on the inside and moist with sesame seeds on the outside... potato I believe, gooey melted aged cheddar spilling over the succulent, tender, juicy, hamburger, the fresh crunch of the jalepenos cut through the sweetness of the cooked onions that balanced perfectly with the tangy mustard. Okay, now you can look..

I can't tell you how I felt after eating this... but I know I said, "oh my god" more times than Helen could count... and I can show you.


Sunday, January 24, 2010

holy balls

omg from my apt!
Originally uploaded by cspearinca
This stunning view from my room made me stop what I was doing, run to my camera, drop the lens cap on the floor, frantically turn it on and find a setting and snap. You may be asking, "Christian, why are you flipping out? It's just a sun setting" ... well, I say to you, within 3 minutes the sun was GONE! Yeah, no lie. So please enjoy this and thank me later.

Helen's visit part 1

This is Helen.

She is pretty much amazing.

She is one of my oldest and best friends and we went to High School in California together and it's always nice to pick up right were we left off. I absolutely love the time that we spend together and look forward to our gallivanting for months on end!

Her first night here I wanted to take her to the promenade about two blocks from my hotel/apartment/dorm room. I love this place and this person and life and the universe were together and two worlds collided. Anyway, I just adore the Brooklyn Bridge and how it looks so different at all times of the day and the incredible Empire State Building ( I love it so much I mistakenly told my mom, while in Paris, that I was looking at the awe-inspiring Empire State Building. Name dropping the eiffel tower really says something!) Not to mention Helen looking all kinds of sexy in the foreground just makes me love this picture all-the-more.

What can I possibly say about this photo that would be able to do it justice? This connects my two favorite places ever and that connection is a metaphor for the complex feelings I possess for New York City.

Again, just beautiful all around! We had such a blast at the promenade and headed back to my place where I had to show Helen the view from my room... and so we could watch Golden Girls!

To the left, to the left! Everything you own in a box... you get it.

To the right, to the right...

Then we had a silly photo shoot in my room and this is basically my favorite snapshot of all time. I love what magic can happen with a pretty lady, two mirrors, and a great camera. That sounds oddly sexual. Hmmmm, ignore that and just enjoy a cool picture.

This concludes about 12 hours of a 5 day trip... more to come!

Monday, January 18, 2010


Do not let the snarling deceive you!
This is one of my nearest and dearest and closest friends in the whole wide world.

There are few people that I would share 100% of my life with and this girl is that person! She could call me and tell me that she needs a '98 toyota camery, jet black, white leather interior, loaded with peacock feathers and handcuffs (I wouldn't dare ask at this point) delivered to Toronto, Canada in seven hours no-questions-asked...I'd be there!
*just so you know Roche, that holds true*

Anywho, she has fabulousity, she emanates beauty and charm... and she is... absolutely gorgeous inside and out!
To continue our story of this evening...
It did not take us long to find the nearest pub... let's just say we've had our fair share of "experiences"

We ate unbelievable fare that is almost inexplicable... but I will try my best!

Witness subject #1

Guilty of being incredibly delicate yet stunningly bursting with flavors that remind me of great times!
Enter the Lobster Avocado Roll!

Moist and soft Lobster....
Firm and flavorful avocado...

Snuggled up in a cozy little blanket of thin wheat tortilla-like roll.

Even the pickle and fries were awesome! Even the pickle!!

Holy Mary, Mother of Christ this next entree blew my socks off.


Enter subject #2... makes my lip quiver just thinking about it... oh lord, I'm drooling all over the keys. Just give me one minute.

Okay, The Lamb Tzatziki sauce burger.
The Lamb was juicy and tender and rich, the tzatiziki was do die for, literally. And the cheese, the cheese! Roche, I am eternally indebted to you!

It is always so nice getting to spend time, no matter how short, with this woman.
She is riddled with stories and has the best pair of listening ears east of the Mississippi.

I love you Roe... Now give me a big kiss!

Yes, lamb makes me feel the same way... Eureka!

One of those days. Love my friends!

Today was a beautiful day and just cannot keep it to myself....
So bask in the glory know as my amazing friends and neighborhood.

This is a shot walking to meet up with Ms. Lo Rida herself,
Walking and having the temperature above 40 and
bright and sunny
really does make me smile.

Doesn't it seem like the trees are parting for me to cross?
I'm not sure why but I felt just that special... or that fat.

This amazingly beautiful spire of a cathedral-like
building... is a bankruptcy court.
Who would have thought?

I mean it looks so...
so regal.....

Maybe it is to make everyone that enters realize how poor they are?
It was not my idea, nor do I endorse it, I'm just sayin'

This is my good friend Lo Rida.
I created this amazing name when we were freshman living on the same floor.
We drank...


at very peculiar hours....

out of Hello, Kitty coffee cups.

Despite all of that, her and I have remained close and I just had to snap a pic looking so New York.
Wind blowing in the hair, tight black jacket, black leggings, a stride that can keep up with a quick-paced gentleman that is 6'2"... (that may be me), she just looked so picturesque.

Then we decided to get a bite to eat!

Of course, after our reunion we had to have something to do... when in doubt...

Take my word for it.

Sorry, back to the story. So cutie patootie Lo and I went to this diner that I love around the corner from my new place.

Why, Oh Why, are there so many pages of diner menus?

Like, for instance, when I went out with one of my best friends, Matt, was he able to order a lamb (omg I love lamb!) gyro and a slice of pie?

What is this world coming to?

I will tell you something that is right in this god-forsaken world.
The short stack.

The short stack!

Did you know the same guy that invented crack/cocaine and heroine and cigarettes also invented the short stack?

Of course, It is doubly tempting when butter and syrup join the party.
Then it is all out mayhem.

I'm so LoRida, I'm sorry for eating like I had not eaten in days... I lost my manners.
But, it was the short stack! (and diner coffee, might I add, quite delicious!)

Then we went on a walk to space between the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges.

Come on! How serene is this?
I have been on this bridge in so many ways, so many different days, and never has it appealed to me as it did today.
Just so....


And this is the Manhattan Bridge.

Also, very....


This is a different view of the Brooklyn Bridge.

One that I have not often had.

...and you know what?
I kinda like it!

Then I saw this street walking back to LoRida's apartment (before partaking in something that is highly under-rated!) and I want to have 17 kids and live here.
With 3 dogs.
... and a lawyer/doctor/philanthropic husband
That pays all the bills.
...and my kids will sing.
In harmony!

Okay, enough of that.

Back to LB

What a fun, intriguing, intelligent, bright, and positive person to spend my afternoon with!

Thanks girl!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Brooklyn... fogetaboutit

The (semi-emotional) move is now complete....
...minus the huge mass of stuff that I have sitting on my bed yet to be put away.

This is about half of my stuff that I had packed up and my old room is now empty.

It was stressful, but luckily I had Erica and her Uncle there to help.

There are many pros and cons to this move... but mostly pros. The memories that I have in my old room needed to be left behind and I am looking forward to what the future has in store.

I had to put on the blinders and just go with the flow. I needed to stop dwelling on the past and focus on the present.

The good thing is, I am in love with my new place!

Moving is difficult to begin with... You have to go through all of your stuff, most of which you realize is junk. Some things are hard to part with but even after the bags and bags of belongings I threw out I seemed to have doubled the amount of crap I possess. Side note, picture me in a compact car packed to the brim holding my lamp and coat and laptop and some clothes with the car packed window to window.

This is the view from my window (that actually lets sunlight in!) and I can already tell I'm going to be in love.

There will be many posts about this fabulous neighborhood to come.

...and if you squint your eyes and look to the right (not pictured as of yet) you can see the top half of the statue of liberty!

I had plans to go to the promenade and take pictures of downtown Manhattan so I could brag about that too... but unfortunately it is raining cats and dogs.

I have been in my PJs all day and I had to have my aunt talk me into going to Starbucks to get coffee (thank you Jill! It was so worth it!)

So, between relaxing after the move, looking at my mile-high pile of things to put away, watching Jersey Shore like a crack-head under my covers-drinking my vinti drip, and looking out at the rain, I'd say... all in all... it is a pretty amazing day.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Favorite Food Shots

Maybe because I'm in one of those moods...

You know,I'm bored-hungry-everything-taste-oh-so-good, moods?
Therefore, I went looking through my array of photos dedicated to the decadent comestibles of late (including this holiday season... dangerous).

Lets start with something simple...

This may seem like an ordinary lemon perched atop a simple beverage... with a funny bokeh lady in the background, but no sir!

What makes this picture especially redeeming is the fact that it was taken in Laguna on a gorgeous (and typical) 72 degree sunny day with birds chirping and belly aching laughter. So this is why this is one of my favorite food photos.

Next is the In-N-Out double-double no onions (don't know why) add pickles (obviously)

There is something oh so obsessive about in-n-out...
Maybe the fact that the cheese is melted to the point of perfection?
Maybe that the lettuce is juicy and crisp?
Maybe that the burger is unrivaled with grilled flawlessness ?
Maybe that the bun is toasted ever-so delicately?
Maybe.... You get the point.

Anyway, clearly a favorite seeing as I have had fits of manic withdraw while in NYC.

Okay, I feel like no explanation is needed for this next one.
This was taken from the rib of some 60lbs worth of succulent meat that my grandfather slaved over.

My family luckily kept their cool at Christmas dinner as I whipped out my camera to snap this macro shot of this moment I wanted... no needed... to remember forever.

I really feel like one lucky devil looking back on this one!
Especially when I'm back to my college-top-ramen-MacDonalds-soup-rinse-and-repeat diet...


I went on a cooking-spree while I was home.
That is a euphemism for me morphing into a crazed lunatic of a chef.
I found an avocado, some salsa, some corn tortillas, fresh lettuce and refried beans and something magical happened.
*Admire the magic above*

It's rummy!

This is a rum cake my aunt made (from SCRATCH)!

brown sugar, pecans, bunt cake, and....



Unfortunately there was also rum (hints my expression "it's rummy) and I had to wait a day or two to partake in this deliciousness due to a certain evening of holiday festivities gone awry.


What I love most about going home!
The holidays just wouldn't be right without this buttery and soft goodness smothered in flour gravy and hard boiled egg whites, powdery yolks peppered and salted to perfection.

I do realize that this doesn't actually contain food in the picture (unless of course you count the lemons... and cocktail sauce)

Grandpa Tom can cook some shrimp...
understatement of the year.

He boiled us some good ol' shrimp cajun style and plopped 'em on our newspaper clad table so we could dig in "family style".

Nothing brings a family together like boiled cajun shrimp and the funnies as a tablecloth.

Love my family!

And of course one of my favorite food snapshots is that of my little sissy cutting out sugar cookies...

Something that has become a tradition at our house.
I love the concentration and dedication written all over her face as she presses and crumbles the dough up and tries again and again...

Then presses her little noise up to the warm oven to watch them cook in about .25 seconds...

Then we all (im)patiently wait for them to cool so we can frost them.
I have some pictures of the finished project... but I don't want to make you jealous! ...or make myself any more hungry than I am at this very moment with no oven and no cookies.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Shoes!

These are the new shoes that I bought with the gift card I got from the Ellen show.
I may, or may not, be copying Ellen hardcore....

You should go with the may in case you are confused.
In fact, these are the exact shoes that Ellen was wearing during the taping of the show in which she gave the audience the gift cards.

What is it about new shoes that no matter what mood you are in, at any given point in time or place any point on the time/space continuum, that makes everything okay? Elation isn't even the word.

After buying shoes I get this extra pip in my step....
and an extra long stride with a smile from ear to ear.

I just wanted to share how happy I am and that retail-therapy is very real!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Big move

You see, us New Yorkers that live in Manhattan have this feeling that everything and everywhere else that is not inside this tiny island is blasphemy.

This is the side of the East River that I live on... The Manhattan Side.

My Side.

My old side.

For the past three years I have lived no further than 4 blocks from my school...

I must admit I have been craving a move.
I was given this amazing opportunity to move to the other side of the Brooklyn Bridge. Also known as... wait for it... Brooklyn!

I know this may come to a surprise to some of you but where I'm getting to move is

I'm moving toward the side you see. And yes, I will be walking that bridge when the weather warms up!

This great neighborhood's called Brooklyn Heights. (look it up.... seriously if you weren't jealous before you will be)

Talk about QUAINT!
  1. super quiet
  2. lovely neighbors
  3. great gym (to work off Xmas)
  4. right by a beautiful park
  5. bagels! (thank God for #3!)
  6. did I say quiet?

I must also admit that I'm very worried to move and extremely anxious but I know it is for the better! I was a little upset over the circumstances of moving to Brooklyn but after very little
thought on the matter I am STOKED (and extremely blessed)!

Then I saw this guy and all was right in the world again.