Holy Guacamole have I been busy. School started last week on the curtails of Helen's adventures with me in the city. That weekend was anything but restful... "and then their off!" My week is filled with 20 hours of this, 30 hours of that, and a lot of obligation in between. Not to mention the fact that I'm starting to go to the gym every night. (one of the perks of living in Brooklyn is the gym... talk about amazing... any day that is capped with a jacuzzi and sauna session is alright in my book). So, as amazing as having no time and no money is, the trivial stresses of life have kept me from posting my much anticipated follow-up to the Helen saga.
First of all, it was a beautiful, crisp, sunny/cloudy/ beautiful ambiance of a day! This is a view of downtown Manhattan (my old home) from the Brooklyn Promenade... We went on another fun little walk over there and met some nice man from Spain that exclaimed to Helen and me how infatuated with the city he was.
Helen modeling in front of the Brooklyn Bridge during my favorite type of weather... overcast and sunny. I have no idea what it is about this sub-par weather that gets me giddy and makes me want to take my camera out for hours on end (or until my fingers get frostbitten).
...and then we found this telephone both that looks like it fell out of the '70s and into my life. I love it (though it doesn't even have a dial tone). I'm not even sure that I could still operate one if I had to but they look freakin' cool!
And then we began a journal
The first steps to redemption...
...and the sunglasses come out...
Then I got the "seriously, Christian, Stop-taking-f'in-pictures-of-me-before-I-stab-you look"... So I stopped taking pictures (for 5.76 seconds).
I found this to be both ironic and inspirational. Love it.
The plot thickens. This is the moment where the day when from good to oh-my-lordy-give-me-my-elastic-pants great! Please contain yourself while viewing the following photos and please do not judge Helen nor I until you have tried "5 guys" burgers and fries! (cajun fries to be exact)
Holy freakin' balls! This is where you get any topping you want. I chose fresh, bright-green, hot
jalepanos, cooked onions, aged sharp cheddar and mustard. This was one of my best decisions of my life thus far.
And then came the fries. And then came the fries!
This bag was like Christmas morning looking in your stocking. In fact, next Christmas... Mom, could you fill my stocking with 5 guys cajun french fries? Or for Chanukah we could make cajun french fried latkes?
Okay, I need to preface the next picture with you may find this a little disturbing so I will try and describe it before you look. The bun was crisp and buttery on the inside and moist with sesame seeds on the outside... potato I believe, gooey melted aged cheddar spilling over the succulent, tender, juicy, hamburger, the fresh crunch of the jalepenos cut through the sweetness of the cooked onions that balanced perfectly with the tangy mustard. Okay, now you can look..