The first signs of Spring have begun to bloom and my mood is already elevating to a much more relaxed state. Given that I am graduating so soon I am a baffled that I am able to relax for even a few minutes of the day, but hey, I am not complaining! My family (hopefully) understands why I am a nut-ball even more-so now than usual. I will share some of the pictures I've been snapping from my Samsung Vibrant... love... and my new favorite combination : Take pictures with the "vignette" application and edit them with "little photo". Snazzy names... snazzy pics.
A lamp surrounded by COLOR in city hall park. My first though when I saw that there was some alien blossoms popping up around me... HOLY F*&^ BALLS!

This is a tree right outside my work that I get to look at now with envy instead of pity. What a difference a month makes. "Oh poor flowerless tree getting snowed on while I'm inside warm-ish watching your sadness" has since morphed into a jealous fit, "F'in tree... flowers suckling from the teats of its awesomeness basking in the warmth spilling from the sun and kissing this tree while I watch, feet away, inside a glass hell..."

This is a beautiful flower I passed in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn while walking in the rain with my friend Lauren. We were both cursing the rain but mostly the fact that the temperature dropped to 39. I mean, seriously... can you say mother nature is a tease? Gorgeous weather with random days of gloom. I guess it's kind of like life... you need death to appreciate the own mediocrity of your own life. It's the little things.

Honestly, I am impressed that my phone can take pictures of this quality. Makes me wonder why I spent so much on my new one... wait a minute... not really.

Have I already shared this? I don't care actually because it is a badass picture. I took this while walking around with one of my besties, Helen, before she left for Europe for two months! Forget that freaking piece of shit tree... I am jealous of Helen!

This is a shot I got while walking around with Irina at the Seaport. I would love to tell you that I am a master at post-processing and I'm some genius with photography (at which point you smile politely and nod hysterically in approval so I don't cut you) however, this application on my phone captured these colors better than I could have imagined.

Other notable architecture includes:
The Beekman Tower, or whatever they are calling it this week, which was a parking lot when I first came to Pace. Nothing iconicity juxtaposes a symbolic and metaphysical experience like getting a degree like a building being built and completed at the exact same time!
And the Empire State Building...

What? This old thing?
The next picture was taken outside of Roberta's in Brooklyn where my, I'm going to say cousin for lack of a more accurate description, works.

It was a beautiful day and I though the contrasting colors looked pretty swell.
And what's this?
Hipster/ Model Christian?

And just because I can and this post is already a random smattering of photos... a deliciously scrumdidliumptious wine I had the other day. $10 at Trader Joe's, yeah I swear. Tribunal... worth every penny!

The next make a little more sense grouped together as they all include an aspect of photography. The first is none other than me adding "creamer" to my cup o' Joe at a place I love in Brooklyn Heights.
The following is one of my favorite pictures that I have ever taken. I have no clue why and I wish that I could articulate it but I just love that it is a picture of what I love doing most from my vantage point... well I guess that pretty much sums it up doesn't it?

(I didn't even take the picture you see on the screen)

This was something I found on a subway platform while waiting for the train. Everyone probably though I was crazy trying to take this picture on all fours but I had to capture this moment. There were three smoked cigarettes and three 24oz beer cans all lined up artistically. Probably by either an artist or a serial killer...
Heidi's shoe! God, those purple shoes rock my socks...
Next was an awesome picture of my hanging half my body out of a cab to get. I just though this perspective was perfect and even though the cab driver was half nervous-laughing half grabbing my belt loops to pull my back in, I think he secretly knew it would work out.

I am always happy to share my views of the world around me.
With this change of season comes a change in my life. I am graduating from College and moving forward and in-so-doing am grappling with the unwanted changes that are occurring at the same time.
I have come terms with some difficulties in life that some friends, family, and lovers will not be in my life forever. I guess I could have learned that from my biological father's absence in my life or the myriad friends that have gone from my life almost as quickly as they came.
I have more recently learned this from a few friends that without warning or provocation have decided they want to move forward with their own lives...
or from my Aunt's decision to not speak to me because of a misunderstanding.
I am still learning from these difficult losses but life goes on and seasons continue to change and minutes continue to pass.
All I can do is smile and nod in agreement to the world and keep my eyes open to the wisdom tangled in these situations and thank the Heavens for those incredibly special people in my life that I do have faith with be stuck with my crazy ass forever.
I'm sooooo glad that I am the OTHER Aunt!! Yeah for me and lucky me!! Good luck with the next few weeks. I'm sooo proud of you and continue to be amazed by your gifts and talents. You make me smile and CONGRATULATIONS!!! (can't wait to see you soon!)