Life as been a bit insane lately... actually that is putting it quite mildly. I've been waiting on pins and needles for some information but I'm thinking it's time a take matters into my own hands. I had an AMAZING time this summer visiting family and going on my world tour. (Yeah, I call it my world tour but it was more like a voyage of the Grisswalds from northern to southern California and a brief stint in Oklahoma City). None-the-less I am back in full school mode and pondering how I'm going to pay rent... oh the trails and tribulations of being... how old am I again?
But SOMEONE, who shall remain nameless, seems to think I have time to blog about such adventures... so I propose this, a series of short stories to tell the too-long-to-tell-tale of my summer vacation.

First, about how I set my Aunt's hair on fire.
It was an accident, you see. I was a little... out of sorts. I thought it would be a good idea to start a fire that would make even Smokey blush. My Aunt was all too encouraging, "Hey, grab that wooden bench, oh don't forget that wooden angel, oh and that wood there too!" All of this to go in a fire pit the size of a beach ball.... next thing you know I'm relaxing and put my feet on the fire pit and WOOSH! Like a thousand hailstones of fire emulating a Roman conquering on an enemy city in the still of the night, these little embers shower down all over my dear, sweet, frightened, sober Aunt.
This is the picture of the aftermath...
Actually I just left the lens open too long and there was light behind her... BUT that story did happen... well, that is actually about three stories in one.
Needless to say we are all doing just fine now that the PTSD has been put behind us.
See, now was that so hard? I'm waiting for more pictures on flickr as well bucko! I want to see the one with my holding my fire hair!!