Sunday, June 13, 2010

L Trap does the city

This weekend I had the great pleasure of getting to see my friend Lauren. It is so incredible how there is this force that pushes the right people in your life (and also filters the wrong ones out). Well I am so incredibly thankful for that invisible hand!
Lauren contains a light that unveils itself anytime I am around her. She just brightens my day and makes me feel so jovial. It's as though her aura in itself is a time machine to a better place and time.
Come on! Just look at that face... the tension in my face is fleeting at this very moments just imagining how hard we would be laughing if we were together right now.
I am so blessed to have her in my life and we enjoyed each other's company to the fullest on Saturday.
She is very lucky that I started working this summer at a job that has me up early otherwise I may not have seen her until much later in the day!
I managed to wake up at a reasonable time and fly to 34th just in time to meet her for coffee and do a little shopping.
This didn't look as good on me so I'll just show you the picture of her... I thought it looked stunning but I think we agreed she needs something a little more accommodative... up top...
The search is on, actively, that we find our Vegas outfits! I'm thinking just a speedo for me would suffice... or what Lauren helped me pick out =P
I'll give you a hint :
Kid in a candy store!

Off to lunch.
My idea... sushi and cocktails!
How could one go wrong when two of my favorite things are on the menu?
I will spare you those photos (until a later date I'm sure)
Let's just say... Lychee.

With that being said we strutted our sexy selves to a random bar in Union Sq. to watch the USA v. UK match.
Lauren made friends and I had a quick and lovely time before we whisked away to meet our friend Rob.

... at this point I'm feeling all is right in the world. Two of the most positive people I know in my life and a MadDog specialty.
And I guess I wanted Lauren to look at my lip?
I do have one question though...
where did the fat bruise on my hip come from?
Back to the cool kids.

They even matched. I can't summarize the awesomeness that is this duo. They have both touched my life in such amazing ways. I will try not to get sappy but they show me what it means to be alive and not just exist. I love you guys!

Hagen Daaz
Dear Lauren,
I'm sorry for trying to make you make bad decisions... forgive me.
Now laugh.
Okay all good.
"Can I get one more scoop... okay, one more. Okay, one more"
Thank you for that!
After all of the gallivanting we had earlier something in me told me I should partake in a little summer fun at the pier. Also known as the devil's juice... It taste oh- oh, so good....
At least one of us looked cool. I must say there was this adorable little kid with a bubble blowing machine and I might have yelled at him after Lauren tried to talk with him "Stranger Danger!" I guess I wanted him to be as guarded as the adults in the world however, Lauren is far too friendly and he saw the real threat in her. I guess you had to be there.
Lauren: "hey, are you a mets fan?"
*I turn briskly as he is about to retort to a complete stranger so as to save the day*
Me: (to bubble boy) "STRANGER DANGER!"

Then I went back to the devil's juice and we later meandered to a pretty view and Lauren showed me how to model... whilst burning your shoulder I might add.
Lovely over the shoulder look Lauren.

Oh yes! Give me perplexed and excitement and elation. Perfect... she takes direction so well!

So, did you have as good a time as I did?
I'll take that as a D-U-H!

Until next time...
Thank you,
I miss you already,
New York misses you!


  1. I love you!!! Even though I look drah-runk as a skunk in most of these... and I need that amazing face wash you use bc your camera magnifies pores.... BUT I LOVE YOU <3 can't wait to see you again!

  2. I'm loling at the drunken modeling shots.... oh lordy!!!

  3. the first shot's so paparazzi and I kinda like my birthday dress now!! I will be keeping an eye out...

    I keep commenting because I love reading this; it really summarizes our amazing day!!

  4. She's beautiful! I can't wait to meet her.

    What does MWAH mean? I keep meaning to ask you and always forget.

  5. MWAH is the sound a kiss makes. haha It's not a cool acronym or anything.

  6. Thanks Mama Leah!! I can't wait to meet you too!!!
