Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Those Days

I love days that just feel right.
You walk outside and you are instantly two inches taller, warm sun on your face, a breeze that smells like spring and smiling faces left and right.
It's these days that make the myriad $h!tty days worth it! I notice that when I'm in a really good mood I take pictures of really "pretty" things or effortlessly find anything that resembles what I'm feeling on the inside
(you should see the pictures from the days I'm feeling less than chipper)
I notice each, individual, tiny, infinite blades of grass....
I notice the rays of sun radiating from flowers...
I notice the uniqueness of every type of plant, leaf, flower, person....
I notice what's down low...
...and what's up high (balls hehe)
I notice the light slipping through the crack...
I even play peek-a-boo with famous landmarks while walking past construction sights...
I notice myself and where I belong in this world... I soak up the sun and enjoy the smallest pleasures in life...
I notice the end of the day, the start of contentedness, the beginning of something special.


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