Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Those Days
I love days that just feel right.
You walk outside and you are instantly two inches taller, warm sun on your face, a breeze that smells like spring and smiling faces left and right.
It's these days that make the myriad $h!tty days worth it! I notice that when I'm in a really good mood I take pictures of really "pretty" things or effortlessly find anything that resembles what I'm feeling on the inside
(you should see the pictures from the days I'm feeling less than chipper)
You walk outside and you are instantly two inches taller, warm sun on your face, a breeze that smells like spring and smiling faces left and right.
It's these days that make the myriad $h!tty days worth it! I notice that when I'm in a really good mood I take pictures of really "pretty" things or effortlessly find anything that resembles what I'm feeling on the inside
(you should see the pictures from the days I'm feeling less than chipper)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Life is Beautiful

Key to happiness: Never take life too seriously
After feeling like a big pile of poop yesterday I was in much need to take a little walk and remember what is truly important. I consider myself to be a positive person. Of course not always, however lately I feel as though I am rational and slightly more enlightened and "aged" compared to who I was even just a few months ago.
I am beginning some incredible changes in my life and stepping stones that I'm sure will make notice outside of my myopic vision as a twenty year old.
Let me share with you some beautiful things I found yesterday to get over my emotional turbulence...
My backyard: Looking out my window the last few hours of the sunlit day completely overhauls whatever foul mood I may be in. Finding the time to look within and acknowledge this simple beauty has made a vast difference in my demeanor. To think, I will look back several years from now and say, "this was once my view".
The sunset: This has always been beautiful to me. Always elevates my spirits and centers me. No matter whether I am looking at the sunset off the coast of California or across this New York City harbor, I find that I am exactly where I belong.
Flowers: Never thought I'd be one to get a close-up shot of a flower... but I must admit they do cheer me up. Being able to pull myself away from the magnet that is forcing my from going from point A to point B and notice the beauty of flowers and their variances always brings a smile to my face. Maybe it is the uniqueness of each flower and how they are all beautiful in their own way makes me aspire to juxtapose that same idea with people.
Me: I make myself happy! I never thought of life this way but catching an unexpected glimpse of myself always makes me laugh. I never look how I think I should based on how I'm feeling. After being totally swept away in my little "get-over-yourself" walk I was surprised to still see the stress uncomfortably written all over my wrought face. So I decided to relax those muscles and snap a picture of myself. It is always nice to realize "you will laugh about this* later".
*this can be anything that sucks currently in your life
This picture just sums it up. One of my favorites and a clear presentation that my photography is improving. The sun, the colors, the background... it is just all so out-of-this-world gorgeous. To be at one moment angry and vile and be able to take the time to literally get down to the ground and glorify something that normally falls to your ankles... changes you... me.
I learned much from this walk. I have the ability to control what mood I am in, I can choose to see beauty in the world around me. Appreciate life and color and not feel as isolated and angry. I must say my entire outlook has changed quite completely over the past few months. I truly love life.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
My super-awesome-amazingly-cool brother takes over Manhattan
He was in New York for five minutes before agreeing to take a picture in front of this Yankees sign. Sorry Jill! It was so weird being at JFK waiting for my brother. I mean, JFK is in New York. That means Ryan will be in NYC!
He got off the plane and I was so excited because I knew what he would be experiencing.
Our first stop... a local pizza place two blocks from my place.
Then... he took his first (really big) bite of New York pizza. I was so excited for him but I was worried he might not like it. Ryan isn't one for new flavors. This face quickly made me less worried!
So after my worries were quelled I asked Ryan he wanted to do. This was a conundrum that dominated his whole trip... How is an 11yr/old that has never been the any city nearly as large as this one supposed to know what he wants to do?
I did what any older brother would do. Let's just go to the busiest, biggest, most chaotic place in the city your first night! I don't think he minded.
Plus, just so it is noted, that is my sweater. I don't mind that my younger brother commandeered my beloved sweater but he annihilated the sleeves! ...and how does an 11 year old fit into his 20 year old brother's clothing?
Anyway, he was clearly having a blast!
Worry number 2 quelled.
Ryan, what do you think of the Subways?
This face!
Then I had an opportunity to embarrass him. And I couldn't not give Ryan bunny ears in a busy alcove at the Mariott in Times Square. I mean, come on! Only problem is it is very difficult for me to focus my camera on Ryan for some reason. I guess it isn't that unbelievable. He was moving more quickly than a hummingbird on steroids.
But I digress.
We met up with one of my colleagues and friends and went to a famous cheesecake place, Juniors.
I'm going to take a shot in the dark... I think he liked it. This smile was not wiped from his face (except for ONE time that I will mention a little later) the entire time he was here!
Oh, did I say hummingbird on steroids? I meant steroids and coffee!
Who am I to say no? "You want coffee at 1am? Okay!" This pictures was actually taken later during his trip but back to 42nd street madness.
Ryan, after his coffee and sugar and cheesecake and sugar, (did I say coffee?) was rather.... energetic.
Again, who am I to judge? He was a great listener. "Ryan, go stand there and be still!" "Ryan, move over a little to the left, to the right, to the left, back, now do five jumping jacks, okay stand in front of that... and that... and that!" What a patient guy... but I did distract him with all of Manhattan's glory so he wouldn't notice the incessant photography.
Ryan, where are you?
"I'm here!"
Good job!
Then he hit a wall.
His looniness started to come out and I knew it was time to hit the hay.
He forgot where he was for just long enough that he thought the subway railings were monkey bars. I just let him stay in his own little world because I knew he would get home and collapse and sleep for 14 hours and be eager to start a whole new fresh day in the city!
I should preface, this next photo is one of my favorites easily. Ryan is so easy going and anytime I made a suggestion for something to do he would be so go-with-the-flow. In return I let him do anything he wanted.
This is how this next moment happened and will be remember.
Me: Ryan, what do you want for breakfast?
Ryan: I don't know
Me: Do you want afghan food? egyptian? Waffles? Eggs Benedict? Hot cocoa?
What do you want?? Just tell me!
Ryan: I don't care
Me: okay.......... that narrows it down.
Let's just go for a walk and see if there is anything you see you like.
Ryan: Whatever, sounds cool.
*Fifteen minutes later*
Ryan: That's what I want!
Me: seriously? Okay! (who am I to say no?)
The most nutritious breakfast ever! Ribs! Gotta love 11 yr olds and their decisiveness.
Next was the American Natural History Museum.
I must admit, this museum was awesome! I had just as much enthusiasm as Ryan on this one. We walked every inch of this place and when we left my dogs were killin' me. I think this picture is so funny. Everyone moving all over... kids everywhere! And there's Ryan, chillin' with his dinosaur. I have roughly 7030498 pictures from this one event but, I'll save those for another post.
Me: Ryan, go stand over there! You're in Central Park!
Ryan: Do I have to?
Me: Yes! Don't make me tell you twice!
Random lady: *smiles widely* brothers?
Yep! But look how great this photo is! He is totally having a great time walking another 7 miles back to the train station on the other side of the park and twenty-five blocks south.
See what I mean about focusing? My lens just did not want to get Ryan as the subject... what's that all about, huh? I think it might be something about that heavenly ray that is falling directly on him that might be distracting my light sensors or something technical like that.
I'll never know.
Much better!
This same little street has been in countless movies and there is little RyRy standing right in the middle. Not moving. At all. Ryan. Ryan? Look out! That little 5-0 almost hit him. Oh, New York. I'm pretty sure it was a disheveled meter-maid that was being chased by a frantic woman. I don't know the details but it made Ryan laugh.
In return for allowing him to eat RIBS for BREAKFAST I decided to expand his taste buds.
Me: Ryan, we are going to eat Vietnamese food for dinner.
Ryan: What?
Me: Vietnamese
Ryan: What? Why?
Me: So you can know what it tastes like.
Ryan: Do they have chicken fingers?
Me: No, but they have chicken talons... close enough?
He loved it! I think at this precise moment he is asking... no, begging my mother to take him to have some more!
After all that it was time to head home and watch three movies and eat so much chocolate that I stay awake all night and thought I was going to throw up.
Not as young as I used to be...
Did I mention Ryan is the coolest person ever?
He made himself right at home in my little apartment. He was very well rested. After waking from my semi-conscious sleep I see him, snoring, half on the bed, drooling (all over the chenille blankets I gave him)... yeah, I'd say he slept pretty wall.
Not to mention on the tempurpedic mattress topper. Lucky dog!
Me: What do you want for breakfast?
Ryan: I don't know
Me: Oh, not this again! Let's just go for a walk and....
Ryan: Okay, whatever.
This is what he had for breakfast this day. Aren't I the best brother? So worried about nutrition and such. Actually this is a lie. This was his snack after his giant slice of pizza he had for breakfast.
Ryan had his after-snack snack... also very nutritious.
Then I bite your head off!
Ryan have mercy!
Then we went for a lovely walk around Battery Park.
I was so excited to show Ryan the Statue of Liberty. Even though we couldn't go over there (and even if we had bought tickets the line was about 5 hours long on a beautiful day! Who would want to wait that long and waste the day?) This picture took about ten tries because we were in this weird shade and the statue was so far in the distance...
and this was Ryan's thought on the matter.
Come on! I want to go Christian... Why do I have to stand on this bench and pose for you? Ugh! Sigh! Wheeze! Eye Roll...
17 seconds later we left...
Sheesh, little brothers can be so impatient after 3 cups of coffee and twelve sugary shark gummy things and gummy bears and diet coke... gosh!
This next photo might be my favorite... He had to sit down because he was "tired of walking" or something crazy like that. I mean, who doesn't want to walk 17 miles in two and a half days?
But he just looked so cute! Look at those eyes with that foliage behind him.
What a cutey-patooty!
Then we had to play with the random avant-garde sculptures around the city. This was a cube with a hole through it... why? I'm still not sure.
I also wanted him to see the Brooklyn Bridge so we walked that home because it looked like this...
This is Ryan posing ever-so eloquently under one of the arches of the BK Bridge. I love his old smile where he tucks his upper lip up so he looks like such a goober!
What can I possibly say? That is really Manhattan, it was really sunset, and we were really on the famed Brooklyn Bridge! Such a moving experience. This is when Ryan calls my mom, "Mom, can I live here?" What could we do after this? Look how huge is smile is!
So we watched three movies and I ate so much chocolate and popcorn I thought I was going to die. We also went and saw this movie at the megaplex.
The next day we spent the whole day with some incredible people. Rochelle (of course) and her cousin, Ashley (beautiful), and Rochelle's friend, Aly (bubbly-awesomeness). I am going to post the pictures of our picnic and those beautiful people soon.
After our little picnic we went to the MoMa for this fun Tim Burton exhibit. I didn't know how Ryan would like the gothic art but he loved it. There aren't any pictures of it because they strictly prohibited any photos. But we went to F.A.O. Schwartz after and Ryan loved it!
As expected.
Ryan with a bear that is bigger than he is (and he is quite tall!) and yours for $2000!
And for my favorite picture of Ryan's trip....
Drum roll
Yeah, it's pretty awesome huh?
"Ryan, go stand next to Chewbaca!"
I have a picture of me and my mom next to this same Lego statue in 2006... oh the memories!
I honestly don't know what I said to have him make this face...
"Ryan, do you want some broccoli?"
"Ryan, aren't I the best older brother ever??"
Still not sure but I love the picture!
I made him do this.
Ryan, I'm sorry.
You'll thank me later.
Okay, maybe you wont... but still.
Doesn't he look so ecstatic?
Ryan come back!
Later this day we decided to stay up all night because his flight was so early in the morning... we had to leave my place at 4:30am!
Well, I stayed up all night.
Ryan fell asleep after only two movies! Can you believe that? I think he had an amazing time and he better be thanking his mother for letting him come!
He also better thank me for giving him those sunglasses that he was obsessed with while he was here!
(I'm sure you've seen them in 95% of the pictures I have of him)
I can't wait for him to come back!!!
Ryan, did you have a good time?
I'll take that as a hell yes!
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