
Of course I love my mommy! She just came to New York for a week to watch me graduate. I feel like such a big boy now. I felt mixed emotions; hesitation, anticipation, excitement, and some other things all jumbled up and churning my stomach before walking... in fact, the day of I asked my mom if she'd care if I just didn't go. She shot me a look like "I did not come all this way to watch you wimp out... stop being a bitch and get dressed". But she said pleasantly, "Do what you want hunny". So I got dressed and we ran to the train because my nerves and my legs were being pushed to the limit... it was wonderful! (except when I thought I was going to pass out with all my dress clothes under that hot gown and trying to get my fellow students in a line two-by-two is apparently rocket science) I am so happy to have graduated and I'm so happy my mom was there to cheer me on! (And Jill from afar). I will be posting more pictures of her trip later...

I took her to this coffee place that I love! ... and I've mentioned before. Something about their coffee is just sublime and served with the coolest Italian dishes. We actually found a place that I think is better and we went every chance we could take! If you can make it there, go!

We had this brioche bun with this sugary stuff on top... let's just say

...we did not save very much.

We also had a few of these. It just screams summertime. This is a sangria/prickly pear margarita mix.

Oh yeah, wasn't I writing about people that I love (because they're awesome)?
Lauren and Heidi

They rock and I got to sit next to them while I graduated! Thank god it wasn't alphabetical.
This is Lexi on her twenty-first birthday! Woot woot! She is one of the most beautiful people in the universe. I really hope I can visit her this summer as much as possible.
<3 you!
Courtney and Helen
Then there are these hooligans.
The besties.
I will be smooched between them hardcore in about a week and a half and I cannot wait!
I'm so happy that I get to go to Courtney's graduation and I am excited for us to all decompress and unwind years of schooling and reconnect with the world... without stressing about a paper to write or finals. The last time I saw Courtney we could only play for one day because she had to write a stupid paper. Lame.
I love you all! If I included a picture of all the awesome people in my life this blog would be way too long.
Here is to a wonderful and great year ahead!