Monday, February 28, 2011

January and February phone photos -- my life

Where the bad people go in Southampton... circa 1780 something.

The most delicious day ever! I treated myself to a salmon sandwich and a ginger martini followed by flour-less chocolate cake and a irish coffee + Baileys :) So necessary sometimes.

I am not even sure how I managed to take a picture of myself with my touchscreen phone but what do you know? I did it! I woke up the next day after a pretty hefty amount of Tito's and said, "what skill I must possess!".... then I tripped and all was right in the world... balance.

I love this shot of Lexi... she is so photogenic it is unreal sometimes.

This totally captures the essence of that morning! And for a phone photo not too shabby. Nothin' like a cup o'joe and a pile of cigarettes to realize what your life has come to.

Waiting on the tracks to head back into the city on a ridiculously cold morning.

I took this when my amazing friend Natalie came to town with her mom and sister. She called me up, "We have Tattinger Champagne and chocolate dipped Godiva strawberries at the Waldorf-Astoria... want to co---- what's that? You're at the door?".

When I started school at Pace this was a parking lot across the street from the school/dorms and I had the pleasure of listening to the construction when it was under ten stories... look at it now!
This is a picture of the Woolworth building on my way to night class. I love how it looks so dark and mysterious. Spooooky.

It pains me to look at this because this Winter has sucked major balls. Just look at this and imagine seeing this for months on end. I miss you California!

Sums up the beauty of the snow... which is very rare.

I love this shot of this bike on my front porch which was completely invisible for a few months due to the piles of snow that dumped all over Brooklyn. Thank God it is almost over... (what's that weatherman? Snow tonight and tomorrow? But it's almost APRIL are you sure? ... you are... well F**K you too!)

More pictures coming very, very, soon!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tea Wisdom Wednesday- redux!

Life --
Has been a bit crazy to say the very least. So hopefully this somewhat explains my extended absence... The last time I wrote I was busy borrowing Splenda from Starbucks. My how things have changed! I felt inclined to write a tea wisdom wednesday for a while now but the last few weeks my life has seemingly spilled over the brim of manageability and I needed some guidance.
For whatever reason, let's just ignore the obvious, I take my tea sayings very seriously. It is like a little mini beacon of hope or divine intervention softly nudging me in the best direction. Really this is all inside of me the whole time but reading those simple words while sipping chamomile makes everything come together quite nicely.

This particular day it is apparent I needed TWO intensely calming teas and you bet your bottom I let them brew for a solid twenty minutes. This stuff is better than valium I tell ya!

This is the first one that I paid any attention to. "If you don't love where you come from, you can't love where you are going". How true! Everyone hates something about their past or wishes it were possible to change just a few things that would seemingly drastically alter their present day person. The thing is we are who we are like it or not. Nothing is going to or can change that. I thought about this and must say I can appreciate just about all of my past but do I love my past?

I must because I truly love where I am going! I know the future holds great things for me and I have known this since I was a little chubby freckle-faced kid. "I'm going to be famous one day!" I'm sure my family heard this more times than they could count... (sorry family). I don't want to be famous anymore but I do want to love where I am going and love those few trustworthy people around me. I also have random spouts of wisdom... if only I could live by my own rules!

This is the second TWW I noticed. "For every loss there's an equal gain, for every gain there's an equal loss". I love this quote! Some always focus on what they don't have or how much they do have compared to others but the truth is... it's all pretty much even. For every heartbreak there is another lover hiding right behind the pain. For every bill that can't be paid there is an opportunity to learn and grow. Thinking this way makes life a little more manageable for me.

Think about it.

... and a random picture of the moon for my mama! :)