This is the last sixth months of some of my happiest moments, friends, family, and all around good memories. Let yourself smile... it feels so good. Enjoy the shenanigans!

Wantons... always... make me happy! Always!

Laguna Beach makes me happy. This view makes me happy.

Sissy. TJ. Hunny. Baby Sister. Taylor Jessie. TayTay... makes me very happy!

Auntie Diva Jill a.k.a. the straight woman version of me... makes me super duper happy!

My mommy makes me gleeful. Love her.

Jill breaking shit with me... very happy!

Jilly Sue at Starbucks = happy Christian.

Cowgirl Jill makes me happy.

When my sister busts her ass from falling off a tire-swing... elation!

When my little bro doesn't get the irony in my acting like a gangsta but loves me anyway... total happiness!

When Trav steals a kiss from Natalie, makes me swoon.

Proud mama makes me smile.

Proud papa makes me cozy.

Antique flapper Christian makes me oh-so-so-happy!

These hellions make me happy (sometimes)

When Taylor says "just a little more butttttaaaaaaa" impossible not to smile.

This cheeseball can be pretty funny sometimes.

A big smile from Natalie makes me joyful!

Speechless. LOVE HER!

Sarah... my oldest friend. I love her.

A mother's love is pure.

Love her too!

Jokes with uncle Mark make me happy in such a unique way... often I am riveted that his thought process is so similar to that of a 20-year-old college student.

Bob makes me happy in ways no one else can :)

When LoRida laughs... I laugh.

Papi makes me feel so comfortable and he's my buddy. I love him.

I have not seen enough of this woman lately... but that will soon change. She makes me beyond happy. No one can tug my heart like she can.

Susie-homebaker... I mean... JustJill, incredible.

You don't know why we were laughing our tits off... and that makes this even more awesome!

Lady Helen makes me feel... complete.

See above

Talking into retro phones makes me happy!

She hasn't ever taken a bad photo... that makes me jealous... and.... that's it.

I love this boy. He's a great guy and a good friend. I'll keep him around for awhile I suppose.

That smile... infectious!

Being sexy makes me happy!

Ro's smile... makes my babies... I mean, makes me smile!

When my great friend's head is unceremoniously chopped off... just gotta laugh it off.

Happy mother with glass of wine... this is how I see myself in case you were wondering.

Chocolate still makes me happy (and clearly Ryan too!).

Ashley's calm spirit and the way her personality wraps around me and hugs me from just the way she looks at me makes me so happy. I feel nothing but love around her.

A.Flo makes me smile because she never stops laughing! (and snorting... no, not drugs)

Ryan makes me happy for hundreds of reason... I'll choose his care-free attitude for this.

Rochelle happy makes me happy x230984085. When she is in a good mood, mine is amplified by infinity.

Skateboarding with Rochelle replays in my head...

Jessie... how can I even describe how she makes me feel... joyous, playful, and young.

Samantha makes me so so happy by just being herself and not letting anyone change that.

This is what pure elation looks like... what I look like when I think of you.

Lauren making an entrance makes me happy.

Me making Ryan smile, makes me mega happy! ... and I feel so accomplished.

Putting random flowers in our hair... couldn't make a better day.

Those days make me happy.

Being yourself, original, black and white, full of passion... she makes me... think.

She makes me coo... even snarling at me... I love her.

Reflective shades make me vain ...and very happy! Look, I'm included!

Debbie shows me how to be an adult. She's the reason I believe I can be friends with someone from my past, be mature and fun at the same time. She shows me what responsibility and dedication, passion, possession and love are. I love Debbie. She makes me happy.

Ryan eating ribs for breakfast makes me... sick. But happy because he's happy.

Being drunk with Helen and Courtney (unfortunately not in my life the last sixths months so no photographs... but that will be changing very soon!)
I must say that all of my friends and family keep my heart beating. There has been an equal amount of darkness and disgust in the last sixth months. However, due to these moments... I'm still here. So I say, let's get on with the show!
I love you
Hope you're feeling... happy :)